H i s t o r i c O r a n g e !
Sunday, February 20, 2005
  While I have the time, I will yet again, manipulate Mollie's face.

Communist femme fatale. The people's vixen.

Its just too bad you can't see that she's just talking on the phone and never intended to look scandalous.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

More photo manipulation of Mollie...oh well.

by the way, I don't really know what i'm doing when I do any manipulation. If you care to know.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
  Meme from Green Speedo Dave
On Green Speedo Dave's LJ -
How many songs total?
8681 songs (legitimate!), 23.5 days, 36.29GB

Sort by song name - first and last:
00'00" - Karlheinz Stockhausen
Zwitter - Rammstein

Sort by Artist - first and last:
...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead (if you don't consider ellipses then its 2 Skinniee J's)
The Zutons

Sort by Time - first and last:
Yo Victa - Victor Wooten (00:07)
Cassandra Gemini - Mars Volta (37:18)

Sort by Album - first and last
() - Sigur Rós (again with punctuation, then it would be 1 - Black Heart Procession)
Zoo Psychology - Ex Models

Top Ten Played Songs:
1. "Crutch" - Pinback
2. "Teenager" - Deftones
3. "Best of Me" - American Football
4. "Do You Realize?? - Flaming Lips
"Rose Parade" - Elliott Smith
6. "Dreamland" - 311
7. "Hollywood Freaks" - Beck
8. "Two Dolphins" - The Sea and Cake
9. "Karma Coma" - Massive Attack
10. "Weekend Sex Change" - Dillenger Escape Plan

Last Ten Songs Played:
1. "Smoking in A Minor" - Officer May
2. "Painful" - Sin
3. "Against th' Law" - Billy Bragg
4. "Three Imaginary Boys" - The Cure
5. "Step Ahead" - The Comeback Kid
6. "The Girls of Porn" - Mr. Bungle
7. "Who Me?" - Buckethead
8. "Bad Stone" - Crystal Method
9. "Six Pack" - Tortoise
10. "Une Année Sans Lumière" - The Arcade Fire

Find "sex," how many songs show up? 29

Find "death," how many songs show up? 27

Find "love," how many songs show up? 250

Find "peace", how many songs show up? 4

Find "rock", how many songs show up? 132
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
  One last thing...
Our Lady Peace used to be good.
By good, I mean really fucking good.
And that is all I have to say about that.

(3 posts in one day, not bad.)
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
  You are all clowns.
Republicans are in fact idiots. That is to say, that Repubs are one major division of political work. So if you are part of the Republican party, you're not an idiot. I'll clarify. The Republicans that I am speaking of are the ones who constitute the main source of members of the party. Now I know this doesn't make much sense, but what I am saying is that there are those who are a part of the Republican party and those who say they are Republicans; Members and groupies. Get it?

Anyways, the Republican party is a group of great people, people who have concepts that they hold fast as a way of life in and operation of a nation. Republicans are those who have no idea what the party wants and just goes with the flow of moral and dialogue of pundits. Here is a good example. The people who are members of the Republican party first, conservative or liberals next, who lobby and/or serve in the government. Republicans are the kids in my hall who think that if you see someone in army camo, that you should drop what you are thinking and doing to applaud them. Do they know why they are applauding them? What if the things the army is doing something you don't agree with? What if in fact the army does things that don't protect our "freedom"? Do you still want to clap? Just cause the commercials say so, these people believe that its our American job to do such. Nonsense.

As Americans, by which I mean citizens since I have no patriotism or pride since both of those things could be considered some of the worst sin, we do have certain responsibilities due to our democracy. The nation that is built by the people, not for the people like communism (which by the way, I support the theory, not the actual thing since it is inherently flawed). We should be happy that there are men and women who essentially (they don't intend on being heros from day one) put their lives out there on a limb for the "protection" of the country. Which can be confusing, because in a war where we weren't threatened by the country we invaded, I don't understand what is being protected by hurting them. I swear it was Afganistan. Our other duties are comprised of things like being courteous to the nation and do our duty to support it and the people within it as well as be informed about the situation of the country and vote for issues, presidents, senators, house representatives and the like for the things that are clearly evident as benefits for the nation as a whole. Not for the selfish few who feel their concepts are easily considered the best for the nation.

Here is where I get really mad. One position voters, conservatives with things on their agenda higher than the common people, liberals who feel that breaking down all forms of conservatisitism is important, conservatives who do the same about liberalism, people who vote the green party simply because of marijuana issues as well as innumerous other people who really have nothing to do with political persuasion who just bug the hell out of me. Its just these people who don't do a service to the nation that bring this place down. I know its easy to be a fucking retard and not care about anything else but one fucking issue or what their morals are. You can all go to hell because I care about more than one thing and I put more of my time into figuring out who I am and not what my party says to decide that I am going to vote for so and so, than those who decide that they don't like gay people or they don't want the Mexicans to "took our jobs". By the way, there isn't a party whose agenda is to be racist. Well, except for the KKK, but not even crazy christians like the KKK. So if you happen to be racist and vote, you might as well go hang your-fucking-self since its the most heinous thing you could ever do is to be racist. A sense of humor about race is good, but superiority or domination due to race is one of the lowest things in life.

I can't forget to mention the teacher that was talking to her students in the linear editing lab. A student did a video essay on what they expect of President Bush in his next four years as a second term president. Most of the replies were "I don't expect much" or "I just hope for the best" or "I am not exactly proud of everything he has done, but I hope he focuses on more localized issues". The student said to her teacher that "most of who I interviewed didn't really like Bush, I was suprised." I don't know the teacher, but she replied "well, its a college town". What in the fucking world does that mean? That educated people or people in a educational setting will just follow suit and babble out a stereotyped liberal issue banter? I was ready to burst out and say just that "what do you even mean by that?". I wouldn't be suprised that most educated people would have major issues with Bush because of clearly defined opinions formed through their experience at college. Not all of course since there are plenty of dummies here. By the way, Moby once found research on IQ by state and most midwest (red) states have substantially lower IQ's than east and west coast (blue) states.

If a lot of this is jibber jabber then it is because I am frustrated with many things in life right now dealing with the fact that most of the people who I wish I could talk to without feeling like I need to conform to their simple minds/limited depth thinking are absent from my life and these things that I am talking about are issues that easily anger me. Anger is a big thing in my life I wish I could relieve myself from. Its a dangerous thing anger, it can restrict your vision and slander your entire character despite your actual behavior towards others. I love this world and I love just about every human I meet because down deep inside they are good people who might have confused intentions. I am no better than the people who I believe are idiots since I am flawed as well. My intentions never have been to make myself feel or appear better than others. I wish that when I feel the same passion that I do for writing this down tonight I will elaborate upon the subject of this frustration. Don't hate me.

  You're damn right its me.
So after being a total asshole to my girlfriend at 1:00am, I decided it was for the best to blast classical music into my headphones to help concentrate and calm down while I resumed to write down each detail from my programming book in hopes to actually get a good grade on my weekly quiz. However, when 348-350 of Handel's Water Music Suites came on I started to notice something. Mike was in bed and sleeping (although still making his damn moaning noises) and I heard something rustling in the room. I thought maybe the window was open and Mike left some trash on the window sill, which I wouldn't doubt to happen because he is one dirty fucker.

But it wasn't that. In fact as soon as I took off my headphones to hear it better I stopped hearing it. Odd...So I put my headphones back on and heard it again. It then struck me that it was coming from the music I was listening to. I thought it was maybe something wrong in the recording; Static or something near the microphone that the engineers did not hear. The first thing that struck me was that it could be pages flipping in the recording. Although, how would someone not notice that. Its pretty loud, meaning the microphone was awfully close to the paper and the.....CONDUCTOR! The realization that some dummy could make that mistake in such a delicate recording.

So yea, it was the sound of the conductor flipping the pages of his score, quickly might I add. That has actually been the first time I felt like I discovered something that not many others know about. A true discovery, like finding an anchient village or to find some food oddity in your bag O' food items. I've always wanted to have a discovery. Its like an adventure.

Here is my real point. Adventures are the best and I really can't say that there isn't anyone I like having them best with than my girlfriend. I really hate that I bitched at her and felt like I was getting revenge. But its really great that she understands that I can blow-up easily and that she'll understand if I don't really mean to be cruel and when I apoligize she knows its not just so I can rebalance the world between me and her and still feel angry. It feels good to have someone who cares like her and who can see past my flaws.

Thanks dude. I certainly appreciate it.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
  Newest Desktop.

One of my favorite hobbies is to make desktop themes. I have a ton of pictures to make into themes, but I never put the time into actually doing them as I used to.

This one is the most recent. With the addition of icon making software these are becoming more like art to me. Although I'm certainly no artist.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
This is just a response to the meme on chris' live journal.
1) Open your music folder/iTunes/etc.
2) List the first artist you have under A, then under B, and so on until you have listed the whole alphabet.
3) If you wish to include artists starting with numbers, put them first.
2 Skinnee J's
The Advantage
The B-52's
Dag Nasty
The Failed Alliance
G. Love & Special Sauce
Heavy Vegetable
Iggy Pop
James Brown
The Kills
Led Zeppelin
Officer May
The Paybacks
S Prcess
Talking Heads
Van Halen
Weather Report
Yngwie J. Malmsteen

  Where am I?!?!?!.....

Honestly folks, where the hell are you when you see this poster? I mean, if I were "Mr. Joe Goes To All The Parties Even Though I Wasn't Specifically Invited" then I might find myself feeling like I was stuck in the same fucking room all night. If you party and/or live around a college, you might as well bring a damn map with you. Its all because of this poster. You know that you've gone somewhere and seen the poster and left and been somewhere in the same night and seen the fucking thing again, thinking "Wait, is this Chris' place? I could have sworn I just saw that on Mark's wall. Wait, wasn't I just at Marks?!? No way. Let me consult my "Animal House Sightings Map".

You'll recognize the feeling of
déjà vu when you see that John 'Bluto' Blutarsky's face happens resembles yours when you see it again. "Huhwhaa?". Like a case of Fugue Amnesia, you'll just disappear and re-appear in the same damn room and feel like time has just flown by but you don't realize you just traveled from one place to another. Maybe even cross-country.

Although, it could be similar to one of those movies where the main character just thinks its a coincidence that its there and in fact its actually some sort of dimensional rift that you walk through everytime but you never pay any attention to since you're desensitized to seeing John Belushi's tubby/dead torso in every room that you trapse into.

Okay, Okay, so, maybe its just cause it says "COLLEGE" that attracts the college kids. Yet, maybe its more because its from a movie about college. Or it could be that it costs $4.95 plus tax and comes in a wide variety of sizes.

Either way, I'm still proud of my "Dr. Funkenstein" and "Bad Brains" posters. I just wish I never lost my "Dr. Funkenstein" iron-on tshirt transfer, I'd be fucking tops man.

January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / January 2007 / June 2007 /