H i s t o r i c O r a n g e !
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
  Hormones in the Headphones (no I'm not overtly sexual, blame Victor Wooten)
Ok, now that I'm on the hunt for jobs and such and seeing as I have established a certain domain in which I should get a job, I have established an office. This is my office.

Although, this wasn't always my office. Originally I had been working from my front yard in a adirondac chair underneath the Crabapple tree. My existence there was less enjoyable as you can only make phone calls in your pajamas, sitting in your front yard, for everyone to see, for so long.

It was by suggestion by my mother to move into the garage where the tool bench was. Its slightly moody and slightly annoying that no one knows I'm sitting right there when they come out to get a drink. Whatever. But the greatest part of this is less the fact that I'm back at my own computer so that I can do my own thing once again. Rather, I am more excited to have at my ready a surefire set of headphones to play my music. And what headphones they are.

They're a bit big. Not in the bad way. Just, they've got one heck of a cross beam to, I dunno, keep my head safe from falling objects?

Either way, they are great. I live for being able to have comfortable, quality headphones. Yes, I do know that Mollie did give me a kickass pair for Christmas. But we already figured that out. I wanted to make the choice myself and I wanted to replace my busted headphones and I had some money to spend that I should spend on myself and not rent or phone bills.

Anyways, my office hours are 8:00AM till PartyTimePm. Also, I'll have to update like nuts once I actually have a job and actually have something worth blogging. Cause y'all know this was pointless except for the gratuitous shot of my noggin.

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