H i s t o r i c O r a n g e !
Mighty Morphin Power Mollie...booooo! Hisssss!
College of Communications: College of Suckers
Ever since I started attending this godforsaken college of mine, i've found that if you are an out of state student you are going to be fucked over. Not only do you get that whole "out of state tuition" thing which has boggled me since the time my letter of acceptance arrived in the mail. You also get, for whatever reason, the short end of the straw. That straw also happens to be covered in nuerous types of feces and is held out to you by Dennis Quaid, worst actor ever (see right). I've been put in situations that I shouldn't have been placed in. I've been lied to and been told the wrong things by incompetant advisors.
Regardless of all of this, I have also found myself in one of the severely comprimised colleges here. The communications college is not a great one, it is decent since it has a good deal of well rounded educators. Yet, the school is still only average. Despite the school's general status in the communications field, this school likes to stick rusty iron rods up the college's well lubricated ass.
Almost the entire college of communications has been relocated to a place off campus nearly unreachable by any on campus or off campus student. The only way to get there is if you have a car or to take the bus. Now, why would you ever do this to the students? Make a relativly unaccessable place the mecca of our classes and outside work, while all of the other students here are able to have their classes on campus? Seems pretty unfair to me.
In addition to all of this, the Dean of the school has said that he would like to see that the school becomes a "walking school" again. By this he means that he would make us pay to ride the buses on campus. He might as well make students in the college of communications buy a vat of K/Y Jelly at the bookstore each semester.
We are all suckers. I just hope to get out of here soon.
Holy shit...
...its art!
P is for the PUUUGHHHH in philosophy
So, if we all have something to prove to the world, wouldn't it make sense that we would all inherently have something to offer the world from conception of life? Like how the X-Men were born with supernatural gifts to use for the benefit or detriment of man-kind. Although, its certain that we cannot possilby know what we are going to do to acheive greatness. However, I think it depresses me that I don't fully feel like I have been challenged by the world (other than to accept others) and the greatness I think we are all supposed to be destined for is in reality either a bit part of a larger good (or evil) or it is only a improvement for a narrow band of people. It seems like if we are going to be one of the people who individually acheives greatness that there should be some sort of sign that we are well on our way to doing something impressive if not worldly but personally. My example is that I want to be someone who is recognized and who can teach some people about the facinating concept of sound. However, I haven't applied to a billion internships, or had one for that matter, and nor have I done something that shows that I am a worthy person to achieve greatness in some area. I certainly know people who are so dedicated to something that they want to get that feeling of an accomplished goal that they have already done some things that are proof of destined quality in their life's pursuits. Robert, for one, is a man who is seen as being a slug in a rabbit race of getting things done and out of the way. Robert is a extremely efficient sloth who chews through his work so dilligently and so carefully that he seemingly cannot fail. Of course we all are not perfect, but Robert certainly shows that his dedication to something and his already proven natural genius is there.
I don't think I feel like his achievements hinder mine, nor do any others, and I most surely do not feel like I can't produce anything of worth. I just don't understand if we are supposed to know or understand when we are doing something of merit. Maybe Einstein or Dostoyevsky or Duchamp just thought they were doing something but never thought "this is it! this is what my life's work will condense into in which proves my value and esteem."
Maybe that is why artists become more famous for their work until after they are dead.
let's leave at sunrise, let's live by the ocean
Beck - Mellow Gold, Ben Folds Five - Self Titled, David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars, Doves - The Last Broadcast, Elbow - Cast of Thousands, The Fall - The Peel Sessions, Guided By Voices - Do the Collapse!, Jeff Buckley - Grace, Pinback - Blue Screen Life, and Pinback - Self Titled. The simplest, greatest, singable, generally mellow rockin' mix that I have ever made. I cannot really stop listening to it since it flows so sinuously from song to song and just makes me feel like if I could play it in all environments, that the place in which I was listening would brighten up completely. Everything is at its apex when "Pounding" by Doves comes on and I feel like running as fast as I can. Although, as soon as I decide to turn off the mix I end up coming back to my songs and going directly to the death metal or noise rock or hip-hop. I love that music too, I guess its sort of a way to clense my pallet to listen to the mix again.
I'm sure I feel just as proud of the mixes I make as a down-in-the-mouth kid in elementary school gets an A on a test he didn't expect to do well on. I want to show everyone them. I suppose this would be the time to list them and the track listing and the art that i've made for them. However, that would take forever since two of my mixes are 160+ songs. Let it be known that I choose every song; I never just stick random songs in there, at least not anymore. High School was the perfect time to build a mix simply by the songs you craved listening to or the ones you wanted your friends to hear since you were on the cusp of all things musical. No, i'm not talking about myself, all my friends did that at one point, if not on a CD, then on their computer they'd just play the song they wanted. Nowadays, a mix is less of a thing and more of a piece of art that you personally create and become as deeply involved as something that actually matters to the world outside your head.
Speaking of "outside your head", I learned about a concept in Confucianism today that said that we as humans are constantly trying to gain inner peace and fully explore our genius by calming the monkey in our head. I don't believe this is just some middle school way of saying how we are all geniuses, we have to just calm a monkey in our head simply because saying the word "monkey" was something that easily caused laughter much like Scooby Doo did (Scooby Doo wasn't entertaining, only if it was retarded it was funny [ex. Shaggy exclaming "Gaaaangwaaaay!" occasionally drew a laugh, not much though]). In conclusion, I like to bring peace to my mind (tame the monkey) by making a mix, its a nice get away from the world outside my brain and personal bubble.
Downtown Annapolis
The story behind Historic Orange is not exactly mine but since no one holds the copyright to the name I suppose its not a crime to use it on my own. It really stems from the experiences of a young woman who would visit Downtown Annapolis frequently with her friends where they discovered and held a fast liking to a orange-tinted fence on which was scribed (in green paint) "Historic Orange". To my knowledge that fence is in fact gone from existance since the fence merely stood where it did due to the fact that behind the fence was an open area where a building had previously burned down. No one I know remember how long ago the fence and it's title appeared; I think that it had been there for quite a long time, 10 years is my optimistic guess. The story held that they would eventually start a Riot Grrl band and call themselves the name of which I have mentioned. I have no right to claim the name on my own but in fact should be given to the genius who painted that on the fence. Its questionable whether or not the fence was orange previous to the painting of "Historic Orange" or if it was accomplished in one fell swoop. I like to think that the fence was not actually tossed into a heap in some dump or whatever, but rather that someone, who had such strong feelings like the young woman and her friends or myself, decided that they would wait till the day that construction crews would start on the building that would occupy the space behind the fence and put forth the effort to salvage the fence and possibly reconstruct it somewhere else. Howerver, the reality is most likely that the fence's remains are eternally lost. There really is no way to explain how wonderful it was to walk downtown late at night (possibly in the rain) and see this fence in a low glow of scarce street lights and think of all the people who must pass it each day and get a giggle or a "humm, well how about that!". Only one picture of it exists as I know of. Yet, since many people live and have lived in Annapolis for decades, there must be more.
Since this is my first entry I decided to dedicate the entry to that fence and all the people who it had some sort of happy effect on.
R.I.P. Historic Orange.
UPDATE: Mollie must have been awfully curious if there were any pictures of Historic Orange on the web. Well, being the biggest fan of Google, she found exactly what she set out to find. Some guy, a decent photographer snapped the picture somewhere along his travels.