H i s t o r i c O r a n g e !
Thursday, March 30, 2006
  whomp whomp
Todd: :o(
Todd: -10
Mollie: no!
Mollie: you cant dock points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mollie: SHEESH!!!!!!
Todd: :o(
Mollie: odd
Mollie: todd
Mollie: why r u depressed?
Todd: cause i can't get out of my well
Todd: i need a rope
Todd: find: rope
Mollie: /hands rope
Todd: there is no rope, exits are south and west
Todd: go south
Mollie: sees a door!
Todd: you see a skeleton and a birthday present
Mollie: pick up birthday present
Todd: take skeleton
Todd: say: skeleton you are now my best friend
Mollie: /dance
Todd: skeleton falls a part and you're forced to take birthday present
Todd: open present
Todd: opening present reveals another box
Todd: open box
Todd: box reveals school supplies
Todd: you lose, want to play well of depression again?
Mollie: omg you are the funniest person i KNOW
Mollie: maybe lets play tomorrow
Todd: ok

Thursday, March 23, 2006
  Worthless post
Often times overheard conversations tend to be the most humorless. That is to say, most people are talking gossip or completely inappropriate discussions for public settings. You never really hear anyone having a public discourse of how paint sticks to walls or whether or not gravity allows you to pour water down one nostril and have it come out the other. I mean, those are usually semi-humorus or more likely "entertaining". They'll at least be something to chortle at when walking with friends. Its the passing banter that is completely obscured by some other noise, that cuts off the meanings of sentences and whatnot to suprise you with oddities that are really the most humorus.

So, all that build up comes to this: I heard someone say as I was sitting at work, "The latest issues are 'Jaw Surgery' and 'Ed'"

But really, I just wanted to say that "Jaw Surgery and Ed" is a great band name.
Friday, March 17, 2006
  Degrees I don't have yet
I've had a list of occupations I've always wanted to try:

And today I add another job to that list.

Once there was the thought of creating an all vocal death metal band back in high school. This was something that puttered around John and mine own heads as something we could and should do. Well, no luck, there is no one (in this country at least) who can keep up that kind of cookie monster voice anyhow. However, upon recepit of my new batch of feeds when I hit the refresh button on my reader, my dreams of a death metal band consisting of only voices flew out the window as I realized a better occupation.
This is the future. Or rather, it happened a long, long time ago...
But now I know what to add to that list. Sound track vocal remixist.
(its Virt by the way)

Although I won't ever be a vocal death metalist, I think I could settle for seeing Alf set to death metal music.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Seeing as its the 20th anniversary of the cult of Zelda I decided to dedicate my free time this week (which was scarce really) to recalling my favorite of the series to my computer screen and beating it for the umpteenth time.

Ah, it feels good to complete one of these games again. I think I'll actually finish Final Fantasy II sometime soon.

So I guess a cheery "Happy Birthday" and scathing "Boo! Lame!" is in order.

That or I should really just forget about free time if it means that its really just time that I don't get anything done for school.



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