Yes, I did have surgery on my face. That is to say that I had surgery on my foolish wisdom teeth. What clowns they are. Anyways, it was a surprise to me that when I was injected with the Sodium Penethol, that my consciousness was lost only moments after the fact that my orthodontist said "you might feel a pressure or warmth when this starts going into your blood stream." Afterwards, Mollie helped me out of the place when it was all over, before which I was actually crying because of how confused I was.
Although, here's the best part about my surgery: For 3-5 days I will be eligible to be EITHER a Robert Z'Dar (Maniac Cop rulez) or Ron Pearlman impersonator. I mean, how many people get to have the mandible of a thousand men? Man I'm lucky.
Really, the surgery was a breeze. No complications, no snoring or even embarrassing morning wood. I'd say that the worst part about it is running out of movies to watch and having to hold ice on my face for long periods of time.
In conclusion, I look awesome.